No Space in Onedrive

I have a Word file in Onedrive folder. This is the situation:
- If I use the file in Onedrive, Zotero doesn't work. (It worked at the beginning and now it doesn't. I have removed bibliography and references in the captions, but still doesn't work.)
- If I copy the file to my Desktop, works.
- If I duplicate the file in Onedrive, duplicate doesn't work also (neither? :))
- Works if I remove the spaces.
- Doesn't work if I put spaces instead of the _ in the name. (Same path length.)

So, no spaces in Onedrive. Why and how can we solve this?
  • The problem with spaces in OneDrive is known, though not reliably reproducible, and I'm afraid there's no existing solution (other than to remove the spaces, of course)
  • Removing the spaces in the words in my file name and replacing them with dash worked perfectly for a file saved in OneDrive. Thanks
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