Crashes after a while with "$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/application.ini" "$@"


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I am experiencing crashes after the recent upgrade to v6.0.19-beta.12+0862e1e1b from a working instance. I tried to launch in safe mode, too, but the error output reads in all instances as follows:

'/home/zenny/Downloads/Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero: line 13: 4022 Killed "$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/application.ini" "$@"'

Thanks and holiday greetings!


  • I'd guess this was a change on your system and not in Zotero. Have you tried the release version of 6.0.18 or 6.0.19?
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