FOR DEVELOPERS. Reference list feature - important tool

| Info | Notes | Tags | Related | References | Referenced by |
Within a science paper there is a list of references to other science papers that the scientists behind the paper have used in their work. It would be a major improvement to Zotero to be able to have that list replicated in a tab of its own attached to each paper and being able to click on the titles to call up those other particular referenced papers.

For the 2006 article "2,500-year evolution of the term epidemic" which you can find online here "", its list of references in the | REFERENCES | tab would look like this:
| Info | Notes | Tags | Related | REFERENCES | Referenced by |
1. Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. 1995;1:7–14.
2. Bailly A. Dictionnaire grec – français. Paris: Payot; 1950.
3. Littré E. Oeuvres complètes d’Hippocrate. Volume II. Paris: Baillère; 1840. p. 598.
4. Rey A. Dictionnaire historique de la langue française. Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert; 1992.
5. Grmek MD. Les maladies à l’aube de la civilisation occidentale. Paris: Payot; 1994.
6. de Romilly J. Thucydide, la guerre du Péloponnèse, livre II, texte établi et traduit par Jacqueline de Romilly. Paris: Les Belles Lettres; 1991.
7. Carmichael AG. Plague of Athens. In: Kiple KF, editor. The Cambridge world history of human disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1993.
8. Wachsmuth K. Molecular epidemiology of bacterial infections: examples of methodology and of investigations of outbreaks. Rev Infect Dis. 1986;8:682–92.
9. Kriz P, Giogini D, Musilek M, Larribe M, Taha MK. Microevolution through DNA exchange among strains of Neisseria meningitidis isolated during an outbreak in the Czech Republic. Res Microbiol. 1999;150:273–80.


The procedure of creating such a link between two papers (main paper A and referenced paper B) can be by simply (right-)clicking on a paper A, then having a prompt that says (something like) ”add referenced paper…”, then finding the referenced paper B and clicking/linking that to paper A. The title of paper B will then appear in the reference list tab of paper A. And so on for paper C, D, E etc.

It can also be done by typing in the name of paper B directly into the list. Then paper B is only represented by a title and not yet linked to the actual file. On a later point, one can link the title of paper B in the reference list to the actual file of paper B, thus making it clickable.

It could also be done automated if PDF-files come with the list of all referenced papers as METADATA or Zotero could fetch the list from the online article and directly display it and be able to find and link to the corresponding papers (either within the database or online to the extent possible), so that the titles can be clicked to call up that specific paper right away.

This feature would logically be accompanied by a second list of papers referencing back to that paper. Example: When the beforesaid action is done, paper A will simultaneously appear in a list in a tab/window of paper B of papers that reference paper B.

Or as in the case below, all papers referring to "2,500-year evolution of the term epidemic" will show in the | REFERENCED BY | tab like this:
| Info | Notes | Tags | Related | References | REFERENCED BY |
1. Martin P. Epidemics: Lessons from the past and current patterns of response 2008
2. Bhadra P. Mass Disease: Multiple Perspectives 2020
3. Anomaly J. What is an Epidemic?: Currents in Contemporary Bioethics 2014
4. Danesi M. Pandemics and Popular Culture 2021
5. etc.
6. etc.


I am not a programmer myself but would love to work with someone on this feature and maybe develop it further; integration with timeline, building a reference tree etc.

Thank you
  • edited December 30, 2022
    The Cita add-on by @diegodlh and others, still under development, aims to do a lot of that (amongst other things).

    But the options for retrieving reference lists for papers remain somewhat challenging for developers (although things are improving). Auto-parsing/extraction of a PDF paper's reference list is difficult to make robust for all reference formats. And databases that already include reference lists - like Crossref (used by Zotero for other things)- are dependent on journal publishers including reference lists when they submit a paper's metadata to the database. Crossref and several other pubic databases do already contain some millions of such reference lists (many new and historical lists were only added in the last year or two), but not for all papers, and not very far back in time. I am not aware if any journal article web pages make the reference list accessible with the paper's metadata in a way that Zotero itself could read it.

    I have trialed some of Cita's features. When the reference list can indeed be accurately extracted from a paper by an external tool (and then imported as RIS file by Cita), or can be read from a database like Crossref, Cita adds the references to a (new) Citations tab. It can then check which papers are already in your library, and insert them under Zotero's existing Related tab. It's pretty impressive when it all works.

    I do not know if Cita is also aiming to add the ability to find papers online that are not already in your library, which would presumably require linking to that feature already in Zotero. Which papers are already in your library are however clearly evident by a 'Z' icon in the Citations tab list. So those you don't already have are theoretically the remainder ... although there will be some mistakes where for example the reference list was incomplete at the source (not uncommon with Crossref), or where a correct reference was listed at the source in a way that incorrectly fails matching to your library.

    I also don't know if Cita is planning your 'Referenced by' option. At some point such features may come more into the realm of bibliographic network analysis software tools, of which there are quite a few.
  • Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I'll look into that.

    Actually I think, what I am asking for can be done even simpler than what I wrote before:

    The "Related" tab almost does what I am asking for. When you select a file B to be related to file A, then you not only get that file B clickable/accessible right away in the "Related" tab, you also get a clickable link to file A under the "related" tab of file B. That is brilliant and who ever came up with that function had a fine creative moment. In order to do what I am asking for, the only function to add, is to be able define what category of relation it is and then be able to see the related files grouped into categories in the "Related" tab.

    Example: You click on the "Add" button in the "Related" tab. Then you get the "Select items" window and you find the file (B) you want to relate to your file (A) and click "OK". This is where you should be able to choose a category for file B and Zotero will then sort the related files accordingly in the "Related" tab.

    That is all you need.

    All the other stuff with retrieving reference lists and metadata and add-ons etc. will come in the future. But for me to be able to just differentiate between relations is really just what I am looking for, and, to my mind, only a small enhancement away for a programmer. (Forget for a moment a separate "Reference" tab)

    When you are in the "Select items" window, click on a file then with the added category option, one could choose "Reference backwards" which means that in file A (science paper A) there is a reference to a previous science paper B/file B. That is a reference backwards in time. When science paper B is chosen, it will appear in the "Related" tab under the category "Reference backwards" and simultaneously science paper A will appear in the "Related" tab of science paper B under the category "Reference forewards". That function is there already in Zotero, only without the categorization.

    You could have other categories (custom even), if you want, but the main thing is that the categories that will appear in the "Related" tabs under both files are also paired; one being the reverse of the other, so one would know the type of relation the two files have to each other (like brother to sister; sister to brother).

    Does this make sense?
    Maybe the person who programmed the "Related" function in the first place, could get this message.

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