Webpage session can only be saved once

After saving a web page through the browser - Connector, I can't seem to save the page again, unless the webpage is refreshed. This is not friendly to the Ajax webpage. After reloading the webpage, I may have to load a lot of things manually.
  • edited December 30, 2022
    This is by design. Clicking the save button again reopens the popup to allow you to change the target collection. If you really want to re-save without reloading, you can right-click the save button and choose a save option from the menu.

    On a site that there's a translator for, Zotero will also automatically watch for JavaScript-made changes and update the save button as necessary. And for other webpages, a properly designed site should update the URL as page state changes, which should allow the save button to work again. (If that's not working, it's a bug.)
  • > If you really want to re-save without reloading, you can right-click the save button and choose a save option from the menu.

    It sometimes works, but sometimes just reopens the popup...

    > And for other webpages, a properly designed site should update the URL as page state changes, which should allow the save button to work again. (If that's not working, it's a bug.)

    Regrettable, top site zhihu.com does this, AJAX loads new content, comments pop-up, without change the URLs, and no content anchor.

    Thank you for your answer.
  • No, choosing from the context menu should always trigger a re-save. If you can reproduce it not doing that, provide steps to reproduce.
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