UX: About changeable item type

Item type can be changed, but it does not seem to be obvious. Although there is a floating effect, but the type's drop-down menu should usually have a small triangle.

In addition, for "The following fields will be lost:", maybe add them to extra field to avoid permanent loss.
  • edited December 30, 2022
    This hasn't ever cause confusion in practice; there are almost no questions about this.
    Since citation styles often expect the absence of 'non-sensical' fields for an item type to be cited correctly, moving them to Extra on switching item types automatically wouldn't be a great idea. Adding it as an option might be worth considering, but would also be pretty in-the-weeds for standard usage and could add more confusion than benefit
  • Right, every single field in the right-hand pane is editable, which is why they all have hover effects. The dropmarker is just visual noise.
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