Opaque privacy policy for some actions

This is not to question anyone's conduct, but some options and instructions in the software have not full and advance disclosed data use policies, it should provide to all users (not just answering me). e.g. it will collect and submit which data, who may see, how to use, save and transmit, and so on.

1. "Report broken site translators to zotero.org" option in Zotero Connector. How to happen, maybe it may include page content, URLs, and so on.
2. Debug ID generation, automatic submission, content and observer.
  • 1. I expect an information link to be added to the Connector option.

    2. Help - Report Errors… is a good guy, full description for what will happen.

    3. Help - Debug Output Logging - Submit Output is not good, it is fast and just say that something logs has been submitted, and some people may check the content through the Debug ID. When submitting, it also clears and turn off the debugging logging. It should show logs and ask to confirm.
  • 1. The privacy policy is readily available to anyone who is interested. I don't think it's necessary or particularly helpful to add links to random other places.
    3. No, that's by design. It's already an issue that users post debug output instead of debug IDs to the forums, thereby both leaving out relevant info *and* potentially compromising privacy (to the very limited extent that debug does this, e.g. by showing your insitution & add-ons). Making it more prominent would make this worse. The output is one click away for anyone who cares; most users shouldn't.
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