[Feature request] Save and Load workspace states

Sample use case
I have Projects A and B that I am working on. Each project has multiple PDFs and notes, which may or may not be shared between them. (I will henceforth use the term documents to refer to PDFs and notes)

Say, I am currently working on Project A with some of its documents open. When I need to switch to Project B, it requires me to:
- Close out all my Project A documents
- Recall which Project B documents I had been using last time
- Search through and open them
- Scroll through each to where I was in them last time
- and then resume work.

Suggested feature
Ability to save and load workspace. A workspace will save which documents were open and at what page (for PDF) or line (for notes).

It will save considerable time and effort to reinitialize workspace when context switching.

Easy analogy
Think Windows virtual desktops like the ones that Dexpot implements. A window can be part of multiple virtual desktops and you can rapidly context switch between these desktops. This saves time wasted in opening/closing/realigning windows.

Not a possible solution
This issue cannot be resolved by using collections since
- Not every single document in the collection needs to be open. Just the few that are being read/compared/annotated, etc.
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