Would be nice to implementa ORCID and ROR.
  • I'm 100% for implementing ROR and ORCID for journals and repositories (like OJS/OPS), but beyond a general "we like PIDs" -- what's the payoff of implementing these in Zotero? At least given their current density of useful implementation, how would they be used and what would they add?
  • It helps with consistency while enriching manually added resources, e.g. if there is no way to pull the record via browser plug-in from a repo or journal.
    This is often the case for reports, grey literature and generally badly curated document landing pages (esp. one page with common metadat but multiple links to different documents)
  • So you'd want a query option for ROR for report institution and similar fields? I guess I can see that (it's what many places do with funder data, e.g.), but many report issuing bodies arent' research organizations, so it would have pretty poor coverage, which in turn means it's confusing to users who don't happen to know what RORs are, so I'm still not sure that'd overall improve the user experience.

    Zotero doesn't currently store author affiliations. If it did (and I can see a case for that, though they're obviously never used in citations, so I also understand why the don't want to open that can of worms), the case for ROR would be much stronger, but absent both that and funding metadata, it's really just a subset of publishers and institutions.
  • I'd say this is something of a quality of life feature, and I agree that ROR is the more important one. It helps preventing spelling errors and clears insecurities about complex names.

    As for whether such organisations are in ROR, that seems to be distributed differently along the disciplines, but there are already many non-traditional research output-producing entities recorded (e.g. https://ror.org/search?page=1&query=federal , everything that isn't a federal university or research lab) - it's also up to the users and curators of ROR whether they want to add an organisation.
  • If you just think of Zotero as supplying citations, then the case is limited. However, if you see Zotero as a research tool / information organisation tool, then those fields are useful.

    For example, OpenAlex provides really rich metadata, including author affiliations. From a decolonial perspective, we do want to look at where research is being produced. So for us, we would love to store author affiliations.

    ORCIDs would help us archiving data from Zotero to Zenodo. Zenodo offers ORCIDs, and we do enter them on Zenodo. Currently we have a process that matches against Zotero author names - it's very hacky. So it would be great if Zotero offered the ability to store richer author information.
  • Is there a shift in the inclusion of author identifiers in Zotero? One of the problems I often encounter both as an author and as a reviewer is the correct spelling of names and the confusion of first and last names. Adding the ORCID ID to Zotero would help prevent such situations.
  • @adamsmith In the new ISO 690:2021 (article 7.2.4): The name can be followed by a public identity identifier (ORCID, ISNI, and others), introduced by the identifier type. The identifier should be used if the name alone is not sufficient to identify the author, or if a lesser-known variant of the author's name is given in the cited information source.
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