request for a new style in Zotero for De gruyter Biomolecular Concepts

Hi community, I am kindly requesting a referencing new style

ISSN: 1868-503X

Link to documentation: for Authors.pdf

In-text citation:
[1] superscript
[2-3] superscript

[1] Daré E, Tofighi R, Vettori MV, Momoi T, Poli D, Saido TC, et al. Styrene 7, 8-oxide induces caspase activation and regular dna fragmentation in neuronal cells. Brain Res. 2002;933:12–22.
[2] Corsi P, D’Aprile A, Nico B, Costa GL, Assennato G. Synaptic contacts im-paired by styrene-7, 8-oxide toxicity. Toxicol Appl Pharma. 2007;224:49–59.
[3] Pahwa R, Kalra J. A critical review of the neurotoxicity of styrene in humans. Veterinary Hum Toxicol. 1993;35:516–20.

Link to open access paper;
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