Logging in to Zoo Android app

edited December 22, 2022
This discussion was created from comments split from: how to do the api keys.
  • Hi, I'm new comer to zotero. In fact, I'm studying master degree, which is encouraged to develop specific thesis in some aspects. Hence, I starts to manage my literatures Database by Zotero that is amazing to me.
    But I find a problem when I uses my Android phone (app: Zoo for Zotero) to read papers when I was out. There are 2 versions in Zoo for Zotero, one is using "Zotero login" and the other is using "Zotero API".
    When I used "Zotero login", I cannot to login my webdav to see my database. I emailed to ask to app developer who told me to use "Zotero API" that is designed for people to use webdev inside the app.
    Would you mind to give me some expert advice for requesting the Zotero API.

    Thank you in advance.
    Sorry for my poor English Writing.

    Hope you have a good day.

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