Duplicate display of citation key

In Zotero 6.0.18 the `Citation Key` is duplicated in the right panel when the `Item Type` is `Preprint`: once at the very top in the usual location, and then again under the `DOI` key, which doesn't occur with other item types.
In Addition, in `Advanced Search` in the field selector under `More`, `Citation Key` is twice listed adjacently.
I have the Better BibTeX plugin installed if that makes a difference, but am concerned that if I disable it my citation keys could get changed.
  • Yeah, that's because of BetterBibTeX, but it's intentional: Zotero will get citation keys for all items in the future. Preprint was the first new item type added since that became possible, so it was created with a citation key field. For all other item types, you still need BBT to have them displayed, so I'd jus ignore that. Ditto with advanced search.
  • Thanks for the fast explanation.
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