Info panel (right side) does not correspond to opened item

edited December 19, 2022
...when opening an item, the info panel is often for a completely different item. Editing this will then mess up the metadata for a completely different item. Compare, for instance:
  • (You mean right side.)

    Can you provide a Report ID? If you're running any third-party plugins, does this happen if you disable them?

    Can you provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through reproducing this, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option, and also provide the exact steps you're taking to do so?
  • edited December 19, 2022
    I have been seeing the same problem for a while too, but put off trouble-shooting it until now. Today I found by disabling all add-ons, and then adding them back in one by one, that I could trigger it reliably with the otherwise-great Night for Zotero (currently v0.4.20; Windows 10). It may or may not be relevant that I have 9 PDFs open in tabs at the moment. And so when I click on a new item to open its PDF, I get the correct PDF opened but I get the Info panel from one of the other open PDFs. Clicking on the tab for one of those PDFs and then back to the one I just opened then gets the correct Info panel. @ThomasJorna

    But looking at the OP's screen shot, Night is not enabled there. So there may be more than one way to trigger this problem ?

  • Enabled add-ons:

    Night for Zotero (0.4.20.)
    Zotero Tag (0.3.0.)

    Report ID: 2078085863
    Debug ID: D1133514973
  • Right, so it's the Night plugin. There's already an issue for it:
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