Duplicate library entries since Dec. 2nd 2022

Hi there,

Since today, I have a problem with duplicate entries in the synchronized library. Yesterday there were two entries with the same name, one with the postfix “-1”. Today it doesn't ad the postfix anymore.

I also tried it with an older document. It worked with the bib-file from Tuesday, after I synchronized it today, there is this issue with the duplicate entries.

I use Overleaf.
  • If you're talking about Zotero items, Zotero never creates items with "-1", so those would be coming from somewhere else.
  • The Problem is with the export to overleaf. The overleaf people told me that this must be an issue from the Zotero exporter…
  • Not sure what you mean by that, but we don't have anything to do with Overleaf integration.
  • I found this in the forum (9.5.2018)

    In my bibliography I have two different items which happen to have the same date, first author and first word of the title. Therefore, when I export my .bib file (or sync it with overleaf) the .bib file has repeated entries as they are both listed as alomari_natural_2017.

    I've only recently started having this problem, and I think it may be caused by an update. Previously, the .bib file would label the entries as alomari_natural_2017 and alomari_natural_2017-1.


    This is precisely my issue. I also found an answer in this thread.


    Ah, I think that would be the problem. I believe the API (i.e., the sync with Overleaf) exports in chunks of 50, so that would cause this. I'm not sure if we'll have a solution for this before Zotero has proper citekey support.


    Since this discussion is from 2018, is there a solution now?
  • I vaguely remember a discussion about the Zotero API BibTeX export respecting a citekey entered as Citekey: alomari_natural_2017 (keep the Citekey: part, modify the actual citation key as needed), so you could test that on the affected items.
    The alternative is to sidestep native Zotero integration by Overleaf entirely, use the BetterBibTeX (BBT) add-on to auto-export/update a bibtex file of your library (or its relevant collections) put that somewhere online (e.g. via github or Dropbox) and point github to that. The BBT add-on ensures unique citekeys.
  • Where do I enter the CiteKey: …?
  • Oh, sorry, in Extra
  • Thank you for your suggestion

    Since I touched the two entries in Zotero, they are now on the top of the export. So, they are exported just in the same chunk and the problem would have been (temporarily) solved.

    Your suggestion works {Citation Key: newKey}, So, the issue is solved for good.
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