Feature request: Displaying full parts for CJK names

In China, there is a relatively smaller number of family names than in European and it's hard to distinguish individuals with merely their family names. Thus full names (both family and given parts) are used in almost every situation to avoid ambiguity including bibliographies in Chinese. In the following example, Zotero currently displays it as "张" following the rules of western names. I suggest displaying the full name "张三" in "family-given" order with no spaces between them.

"lastName": "张",
"firstName": "三",
"creatorType": "author"

This convention is also followed in Korean and Japanese names (though I'm not complete sure). The following condition can be used to check CJK names where U+4E00...U+9FFF is the Unicode block of CJK Unified Ideographs which contains most commonly used characters. The {1,3} is used because a CJK family name contains at most three characters and longer names are usually translated western names (e.g., "爱因斯坦" for "Einstein")


There is also a related plugin https://github.com/normanleiden/zotero-plugin-full-creator and discussion https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/415560#Comment_415560.

I'm happy to make a PR if someone can help me locate the related code.
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