Note images storage


I'm using an external tool ( to export notes with images. I'm getting an error, and I think it's something on the Zotero side.

In the forums/documentation, notes embedded in images are stored in the Zotero data directory, and I can see a small number in c:\mydatapath\zotero\cache\library and \cache\groups\12345\

But, mostly those directories are pretty empty. I can see the images in notes, but I can't see where they are actually stored (and I think this is the obsidian integration issue too). I can see that the item pdf is in c:\mydatapath\zotero\storage\itemkey\ but that's only the pdf. (I just ran check database integrity and no errors flagged).
  • If you're having a problem with a plugin, you'll need to ask the plugin developer. If you're seeing the images in Zotero, it's working correctly, and the technical details of how we store them aren't relevant. (Images in notes are regular attachments stored in the data directory. Zotero maintains cache images for image annotations.)
  • Thanks @dstillman, I understand that for sure. My confusion is that I could see zotero itemKeys for the item, the pdf, and images (whether exported into note item or annotations). So, I thought as with the PDFs I'd be able to find the relevant item folder for those images.
    The technical details matter insofar as they help me understand why I'm not seeing what I thought, and I assume that's because the annotations are stored as some sort of mapping from the pdf. In any case, I'll followup with plugin developers. Thanks
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