File Storage


What happens if I purchase 1GB ($20 / year) of file storage and don't renew at the end of the year? Is the information kept on file in case I decide to renew later or do you delete all files? Do I still get to access the stored files?

  • Please see the terms of service (they're surprisingly human-readable), and in particular, section 3, "Renewals."

    The short version is that once your account is no longer current, your files will be removed from the server. Since your files will of course still be located on your own computer, you will always be able to add them back to the server should you decide to purchase storage again.
  • Hi sean, I have maicart's same issue. I cannot renew my $60 plan.

    Will my files still be manipulable using the offline version of Zotero? (I read the terms but this was not specified)

    Thank you.

  • Yes, your files will not be deleted from your local Zotero installation unless you explicitly delete them yourself.
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