VBA method to Auto Gen Zotero Citations
First post. Is there a way to auto generate Zotero citations based on my in text citations? I do my writing in notepad++ then copy paste into a properly formatted word doc template. Then have to manually create each Zotero citation. As per the example below, all of the in text citations are in this format: {author,page#s}.
"Based on the book's contents, Daniel's author had access to court documents ... such as existed in the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian and Greek Empires." {House,27-28}
"Based on the book's contents, Daniel's author had access to court documents ... such as existed in the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian and Greek Empires." {House,27-28}
adamsmithThere's https://www.zotero.org/support/rtf_scan but it only works so well.
DiscipleUnoAre you sure this functionality still works? I cannot seem to get it to work at all. I'll keep trying.
DiscipleUnoadamsmith, got it working! The issue was that I was creating the RTF file in MS Word (2016). Zotero did not like it. I reopened and saved using Windows Wordpad. Worked perfectly! Thanks for the tip.
DiscipleUnoI noticed that the citations this tool creates are not recognized by the Zotero plugin in order to make edits. Is there a way to link them to the Zotero plugin?
adamsmithNo, sorry. For that, you'd have to use https://github.com/Juris-M/zotero-odf-scan-plugin and that's a bit more complex both in setup and wrt to the citations.