Trying to get below the 300M storage limit

I have moved all of my attachments to a local location using the Custom Location option, they are stored in a cloud synced folder. I am still over the 300M limit on the Zotero site, not a big deal, I love the service, but can I be sure the online library is purged of all the attachments? I have an empty trash can, I do have duplicates I could try and merge? I am curious if I use the "Reset File Synch" option?
  • I have moved all of my attachments to a local location
    You haven't. That's why you're still using space. If you want to reduce storage usage, you would need to delete stored files that are still in your account, empty the trash, and sync. That's it.
  • I believe I have, the attachments anyway. Is there a way to check? I still want all the document titles etc to be stored on Zotero, just not the attachments. That can't be 300M?
  • After moving your attachments, what space are you using in Zotero?
  • I believe I have, the attachments anyway.
    I mean, you can believe me or not, but I'm explaining that you haven't. You still have 256 stored files in your library.
    Is there a way to check?
    Press + to expand all items. Linked files have a chain in the icon. Stored files don't.
  • After moving your attachments, what space are you using in Zotero?
    None, but note that Snapshots are files and can actually take up a fair amount of space, too -- and I don't think ZotFile will automatically move them.
  • Thank you @dstillman, I will investgate. I appreciate the insight.
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