Remove spaces from subfolder

Hi all,

I recently noticed I'm having an issue where zotero can't find linked articles because of a discrepancy in the naming convention. I'm using linked attachments and zotfile for renaming but I'm confused as to where the following problem is coming from.

Suppose I have a paper written by Alice, Bob, and Conrad. This file currently gets stored in


however when I double click on the title in my library, zotero complains that it can't find the paper in

/zotero_library/Alice et al/Alice_et_al_paper_title.pdf

Notice the spaces in the subdirectory preceding the title.

I don't really care about spaces one way or another in the subdirectory name--I would just like zotero to find my references. Is this a zotfile or zotero issue? Is there a batched way I can fix all of these issues without manually clicking and locating each one? Is there an option to remove spaces from subdirectories that I'm missing?

Thanks for any help you can provide!
  • This sounds like a ZotFile issue to me, where it moves the file to a (slightly) different folder than it stores in Zotero.

    For batch operations -- Zutilo can help you batch rename components of file paths, but it sounds like you probably have a *ton* of Alice et al type subfolders, so not sure that's going to be much help.

    There are tools you could use at the operating system level to rename files. E.g. on Windows, RenameMaster is such an option: I'm sure there's something comparable for Mac. Terminal/commandline is also an option
  • Ok thanks for the suggestions! I'll check them out.
  • In case anyone else comes across it, Zotfile is the source of this bug. Zotfile adds spaces to the author subfolder on Ubuntu--rename and move produces

    /zotero_library/Alice et al/Alice_et_al_paper_title.pdf

    while running rename and move on Windows on the same file (!!!) produces


    I'm not aware of any fix, but I saw that Zotero is soon implementing a version of rename so hopefully this issue will resolve itself then.

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