FEATURE; "speak" highlighted text, filtering by color, associate different speed of speaking

edited November 16, 2022

First of all, it is great to have "speak" option. It make it possible to review in situations where reading is not easy. For example, standing in a crowded subway car.

(Referring to Zetero iOS)
I would like to request the following;
a) Allow "speak" to speak out highlighted text.
b) Provide selection of the category of highlighted text, by color, to speak-out. Multiple selection will be great.
c) Allow associating each highlighted text category to a speaking-speed setting. For example, I may want "red" to speak at x1 speed, where "green" at x2, "blue" at x1.5. This will allow reader to optimise time for highlighted text.
d) Advance setting: If it is possible to associate different speaker voice to each color category, OR, make available equaliser setting (such as that in "notability", that will be really awesome. This allow tuning the audibility of the voice at different speed.
e) Lastly, if we can have all teh above, it will be super awesome to be able to save the spoken highlights into an audio clip attached to the Zotero item. Extending this idea, a voice-annotated video clip of each highlighted text (kind of like flip chart) may appeal to some. Not must-have IMHO. May be useful for short paper review during group discussion, especially remote sessions.

Best Regards,
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