groups have two inconsistent "member" lists

edited November 15, 2022
groups have "member" lists that look differently, have different functionalities, and are not interlinked:

- group> Members (on the right side), eg
This has richer info (eg photo and tags), but because most people don't bother to add such, it looks different per member. Crucially, it has no operations.

- group> Group Settings> Member Settings, eg
This is a basic table:
"Username, Full Name, Member Since, Role"
You can see members, their roles, and (if you're admin) change roles and Invite new people.

I spent 15 minutes looking for the Invite link. I actually had to find it from an old slack chat. For these reasons:
- As far as I can see, there are no links between the two pages.
- The second page is hidden more deeply
- The second page is called "Member Settings" rather than "Member List" so I didn't "see" it

Please rationalize the web UI to have one member page, or if there are 2, add a prominent "Manage" button on the display page.
  • The two lists have a very different role & function, though: The first list is public for public groups, the second list is only visible for group admins (contrary to what you suggest), which is why it's less visible. The member settings -- which really are settings and not just a list -- are accessible for all groups where you're an admin from when you're logged in, so not that hard to find?
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