# of pages in "book" item types


Brazilian bibliographical standards define that for books, thesis and every type of "full" items, the total number of pages must appear after the year, as it follows:

NEUFERT, Ernst. A arte de projetar em arquitetura. 5 ed. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1976. 431p.

I've been trying to customize some styles in order to do so, using the variable "page":
<text variable="page" prefix=". "/>
However, the page numbers do not show. I've tried looking for other styles where it would at work, so I could copy the code, but I couldn't find any.

What is going wrong? Does this variable (# of pages) have a different name?

  • this is not currently possible but will be with the next version of csl which will hopefully be in Zotero sometime early next year - # of pages can currently not be called in a style - that's not limited to Brazil, many styles, including in a fair number of US-based journals, use that information.
  • Dan just added support for number of pages on the trunk, so I guess it's going to be in the next version. The name of the variable will be "number-of-pages"
    thanks Dan!
    Could you also switch the pages field in the thesis item to # of pages?
  • Thank you all for your help.
    I'll let it on my csl already.
  • Is it now possible to add the total number of pages to the citation of a book ?
  • Great !
    Do you know an example of a style using this function ? I didn't found any in the style repository. I would help me to modify the style I need to improve.
  • the variable is
    <text variable="number-of-pages"/>


    are using it
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