Preview & Annotate a Word file added to Zotero (?)

edited November 2, 2022
It seems like it is not possible to "preview" an MS Word (or rtf) file in Zotero and then annotate it.
Am I overlooking something that would allow me to do that?

Right now they launch into Word, and I can see the advantage of that for some purposes, but I'd like to be able to annotate Word files as "data." Perhaps via some type of preference, or right-click?

Thanks in advance,
  • Not possible, sorry. The tool Zotero uses to show & annotate files only works for PDFs. I'd imagine extending this functionality to Word files is lower priority than extending it to HTML, which means it's unlikely to happen any time soon. You can, obviously, easily convert Word files to PDFs before adding them to Zotero.
  • Thanks, Adam, for setting expectations around this :)
    Yes - at the moment I'm converting to PDF.
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