No folder icon in Google Scholar results

I'm no longer getting a folder icon in the address bar for Google Scholar results. Other translators seem to be working OK, but I haven't systematically checked. I'm using the following:

Zotero: 2.0b7.6
Firefox: 3.5.5
Windows: XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  • Works for me. Can you post a link for the search that isn't working?
  • Here's one URL:

    but I don't get the folder icon for any searches.

  • Remove the period after the ".com".

    How are you getting to that URL? Technically it's correct to have a period after the top-level domain and translators should support such URLs, but the trailing period is basically never used in practice.
  • Thanks for noticing that. I'm not sure how it's getting there. It seems to be some sort of problem with google scholar and the proxy for one of my library links that requires me to log in to the library before accessing google scholar. If I don't do that the zotero translator doesn't work. If I do log in before going to google scholar the zotero translator works fine. Don't know why that happens, but I don't think it's a zotero problem. I'm going to follow up with my library and google to see if they have any ideas. In any case, I'm now able to capture citations from google scholar to zotero. Thanks for your help.
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