Hide Annotation Citations as a default?
I've been taking notes from the papers I read in Zotero which is helpful. And I like how it automatically attaches citations to the sentence added to my note page. However, as I want to take my notes continuously, those citations get in between my sentences. Zotero doesn't start a new line after adding the citation but instead keeps my cursor in between the end of the sentence added, and the citation annotated to that sentence. It becomes quite annoying to go and start a new line every time I add a new sentence from the main text.
I'd love to know if there is a solution to this or if there is a better way to take notes.
I'd love to know if there is a solution to this or if there is a better way to take notes.
pb18citationI am also interested in setting "Hide Annotation Citations" as default especially when the book/paper title is very long.