Adding an selfmade summary to an entry?


I like to write my own little summaries when reading papers. Is there a way to add those to the specific zotero entry? I tried using the "add attachment" thing but that seems to be only used for the actual paper, not for a summary. I could simply use the note function in but thats rather unstructured, without headlines, chapters and so on. Would be cool if i could just write my summary externally somewhere, save it as a pdf and put it in zotero, so that i have everything it one place. When searching for stuff in zotero it could directly search in that summary pdf too then. Does that work somehow or is there a workaround for that? How do you guys summarize your stuff, especially when you dont have the pdf of the paper in zotero?

  • That's what notes are for -- you can add headers in notes either using
    # Header 1
    ## Headers 2
    ### Header 3
    etc. or using the menu at the top.
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