[Jurism] Juris-M Word Integration not Working


I just installed Jurism, and the database looks good. However, when I try to use it in Word, I get a "Jurism Integration Error" even in a clean document. Zotero /Word integration was working fine. I have the most recent Word and Zotero. Could I have missed a step in installation? Any thoughts?

Thank you!
  • Same thing happening to me!
  • Juris-M is not getting updates anymore, and the new Zotero Word plugin has been updated, and is likely no longer compatible with Juris-M. If you want to use Juris-M, we don't recommend to do it alongside Zotero. Reinstalling the Word plugin from Juris-M preferences (Cite tab) might fix it.
  • So sad! After all that great work!

    Thanks, the fix worked. A nuisance, since I use Chicago style for most papers and Bluebook for others. Looks like I have to reinstall the owrd extension each time I switch.

    But you got it working, so thanks!
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