BUG: Bibliontology RDF fails on Standalone note
The Bibliontology RDF export of a collection fails with this error:
[JavaScript Error: "item.creators is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translation/translate_firefox.js line 425 > eval" line: 1097}]
The only item without Creator is a Standlone note (which is just text and has no metadata).
The Zotero RDF exporter doesn't have this bug
[JavaScript Error: "item.creators is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translation/translate_firefox.js line 425 > eval" line: 1097}]
The only item without Creator is a Standlone note (which is just text and has no metadata).
The Zotero RDF exporter doesn't have this bug
For now, you can just Select All in the middle pane, deselect the note, and export from there.