



  • Hi guys, I'm 48hrs away from submitting my phd thesis and apparently Zotero is making me tremble: this is the error message I get: (OSStatus errore -1712.) @[displayAlert:document.m:186]'Impossibile completare l'operazione. (OSStatus errore -1712.…
  • Dear Adam, thanks a lot! I've tried step 1. but the Undo All button stays gray as if I hadn't changed anything manually. Actually I know that I did erase some authors initials because I didn't know how to tweak the disambiguation (now I've seen in…
  • Yes, I did always use the official version of Zotero. I've tried following the troubleshooting guide: what does it mean "Check for citations in image captions. Zotero won't let you insert them, but if you copied a citation to a caption that's most…
  • here it is Dan, thanks: ID 162793804
  • Here I am again. dear Zotero devs, would it be very hard to tweak the RTF-scan engine so that it takes into account the full date and not just the year? This way one could easily distinguish between same-author-same-year citations. I mean {Smith, …
  • Dear mbruffey, I've tried to do what you suggest, but I'm not sure I got it right, since it did not work. I'm using Zotero standalone. I've added the prefix to the date in the rtf code, and tried both retouching the item date accordingly …
  • Hi guys, I'm still full of hope that this will be properly implmented one day, but in the meanwhile, here is my workaround: suppose I want to have the following result after the RTF-scan: (Author1, 2008, p. 56; see also Author2, 2010, ch. 3). This i…
  • Dear fbennett and kind Zotero developers, I would also add my voice to ask for a more complete syntax for the RTF scan feature. Currently, I really miss the possibility to indicate the chapter number instead of the pages or the expression "see al…
  • Ok, apparently the last update (2.0b7.5) has solved the pages glitch, but now if I write {Bibliography}, it compiles and adds the bibliography below, as expected, but it leaves the field {Bibliography} there! brunus
  • Guys, this is great. I have a concern though. When I try to use page numbers and my RTF looks like this: Test {Coulon, 1987, 23}. {Bibliography} what I get after the scan is this: Test (Coulon 1987:23\}.\
\{Bibliography) Coulon, A. 1987. L'…