



  • There is javascript solution here: https://github.com/Schoeneh/zotero-s-n-r and a longer thread here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/7707/find-and-replace-on-multiple-items#latest
  • I see. great! But given that in tablet mode the tag selector is always visible below the collections pane (just as on zotero desktop) wouldn't it make more sense to simply add the "downloaded files" toggle above the search bar in the tag selector? …
  • The naming of filter is a side issue, ignore. I think you may have misunderstood, and I probably was not clear enough, what I think is a bug: The main point is the missing "downloaded files" toggle on my boox/on tablets, which is a fantastic additi…
  • yes, see my comment just above yours
  • if you do not own the group, but someone else does, and if you want to count your storage towards the group, you can transfer the ownership in the group settings from that other person to you (but you cannot merge the storage of two group owners. It…
  • There is a difference between citing within a text and the bibliography at the end. In (to my knowledge) all citation styles, the bibliography at the end should show the page range of the full article, and this is what you write into the zotero entr…
  • Den style im style editor öffnen, nach ""o.J." suchen und mit "n.d" ersetzen.
  • The devs never given timelines. But there were two sets of slots, the last quite some time ago (I think February), and since then nothing. Also, the app seems to be rather stable, with relatively few posts on here with bugs or issues. So my assumpti…
  • Zur Klärung: Es stehen Buchstaben hinter einzelnen Referenzen, weil spezifische Zitationsstile auf diese Art und Weise damit, dass Problem lösen, dass Werke aus demselben Jahr von demselben Autor im selben Text zitiert werden (im Stil von: Jellinek…
  • @cormierb and @ifranken : You do not need to ask here to be included in the beta program. You need to check back here and the developpers will announce when new slots will be available, and then you will be available to download the app from the ap…
  • A long time ago I had a similar question regarding what exactly indexing does and why it does not index certain files,and how the index count works, but I have never received an answer. It would be great if the devs could shed some light on this. se…
  • Given that zotero queries worldcat, I guess the best and easiest thing you could do is ask these libraries to add their catalogues (or rather more of their catalogues) to worldcat. as you can see here: https://search.worldcat.org/libraries (you can …
  • Generally speaking it is probably not a very good idea to move from word to google docs a day before an essay is due. I would suggest to simply stay with word and finalise your essay there. As for google docs integration see the general setup here: …
  • @ PranasC (two days ago): the square in the circle signals that a file is being downloaded. the segments of the circle indicate the amount of the file that remains to be downloaded. If the file is large, or the connection slow, this may obviously ta…
  • @SimonThompson: zotero does not have an ongoing live support service. You posted two different comments: One refers to word, the other to googledocs. Note that these are separate, and they operate in different ways. first steps for troubleshooting w…
  • You can find various relevant javascript examples in this thread, and also a number of users who have developped their own scripts. You might try to contact some of them https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/7707/find-and-replace-on-multiple-items#la…
  • Wegen der Übersetzung: Zotero gibt es auf ca 30 Sprachen: ich denke, es ist ziemlich aussergewöhnlich, dass du in einem Forum eines Programms, das ausserdem auch noch kostenlos ist, in irgendeiner Sprache nachfragen kannst und in dieser Sprache Hilf…
  • Wie gesagt, wenn du "Literaturverzeichnis erstellen" mit rechtsclick machst, dann kannst du den Zitierstil auswählen. Du musst unter Ausgabemodus "Bibliographie" auswählen, sonst erscheint die gekürzte Angabe. Du kannst unter https://www.zotero.org…
  • Ich weiss nicht genau, welches feature du meinst. Aber es scheint mir funktional dem feature zu entsprechen, wenn du mit rechtsclick in der main library auf "Literaturverzeichnis erstellen" gehst? Du kannst dort den Zitierstil ändern, und du musst …
  • Given that similar posts pop up here repeatedly, would it not be helpful if there were an announcement on top of the forums, or maybe even on top of the forum page, above all posts, that contains a note outlining some basic points such as: -These f…
  • @bjohas: point nr. 4: I agree with this point, but I would suggest that the alternating shades remain, as they help with keeping the eyes on a line and not confusing items. I guess the best solution would be that a third, separate shade is introduce…
  • See this: https://www.zotero.org/support/reports
  • @kentonf: I am a boox user, and since there is now an official android app, I would assume that anyone looking into an e-reader with annotation/pen function better look into boox e-readers as these run android. Remarkable does not, and hence you are…
  • @PeterJMorris and others interested in androind versions: I am running a relatively old phone (release date 2019) with android 12, 6 GB RAM and my larger library with 10 000 plus items runs super smoothly. I also run it on an onyx boox max 3 which …
  • its in the settings. In the top toolbar go to zotero ->settings
  • Ah, apologies, I overlooked that this has been suggested previously, and I see that since there is no date/time recorded for when items are added, this is not possible. Would still be nice to see in future though. It should also be quite obvious wh…
  • "filter collections": I would suggest renaming this to "search collections" as this is what it does. It would however be great if it were actually possible to filter collections according to certain criteria. What comes to mind first is that it wou…
  • Hi, you can work together on a document and add citations if these are all shared in a shared group library. So you need to setup a group library. What does not work is if you and your colleague each add references from your individual libraries "m…
  • the endnote style documenation is here: https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-X8-Windows-and-Mac-Style-Editing-Guide?language=en_US I agree that csl has advantages in generating good styles. I only brought endnote up, as it is mor…
  • there is something close to this in endnote, and you can see a description for example here: https://library-guides.ucl.ac.uk/endnote/editing-a-style I also remember way back when I moved from endnote to zotero, that endnote style creation and edit…