



  • @migugg and @ulahcherubim, thank you for your replies! Hopefully if further improvements to the new Zotero android app are coming, they will improve on the experience by the time I'm able to access them. In the interim, I'll look at Zoo for Zotero -…
  • Can anyone give me a timeline on when the Zotero Beta for Android might be opening up more broadly? Would have loved to check out early access, but I seem to have missed it - didn't see the initial opening. With the latest Zotero updates, the workfl…
  • Thank you for your response aurimas. I'm kind of in the middle with this one I guess. The document is in English, but I have a reviewer who is Danish and who wants the ø to be sorted correctly as per the Danish alphabet. I guess there is no way to…
  • I am trying to run Zotero 2.1 with OpenOffice 3.3 on a PC (Windows Vista). The toolbar opens up but when I try to insert a reference it comes up with an error message, telling me that OpenOffice.org can't communicate with Zotero. Please ensure Fir…