



  • I finally succeeded. For the future it would be extremely useful a tool that reports the errors that block the import procedure. In this case, Zotero reported an rdf file as 'not supported' simply because it contained in it other html tags tha…
  • I've generated this rdf; it has the exact structure as an importable rdf i've tested, still zotero says the file format is not supported. Any idea why? I would really appreciat…
  • Thank you, Ben Carver! Until that facility will run in Zotero, this is a very good solution! P. S. I'm sure at some point I saw some grey highlights in the notes, based on the Zotero's integrated search engine. I don't remember how that…
  • Don't know if you've seen this, though it's probably late. I had the same problem and found a useful tip here: All the best, Alexandra
  • You're right, I've figured it out eventualy. I was not familiar with the XML concept. I tried to apply the RDF structure of a file exported from Zotero to the XML I got from the convertion of the MDF. I'm not really a programmer (only have some…
  • Thanks for your reply! So I've tried, and got it half way. Now I have an XML file and can't find some tool to convert it to any importable format.