



  • Awesome, thanks Avram! Do you know if there's a way to set standalone to get translator updates? -Jodi
  • One caution, from the standalone support page: "The Chrome/Safari connector does currently not work for sites that use a default translator, such as DOI, COinS, unAPI or Embedded RDF." This explains why Zot…
  • Ajlyon, Yes, within Firefox, * Saving from the results view is reasonable (see picky notes below) * From the item view, there's still a problem: I get "known translator error" when trying to save an item:…
  • Thanks, ajlyon -- I saved the new JavaScript into the zotero /translators directory (double-checked and found the correct one). The error still occurs after restarting. I'm using the standalone version of Zotero, if that makes a difference. Just p…
  • EBSCO import now fails *silently*, both from result list and detailed record. A blank red box pops up.
  • Wonderful, Simon, I'm really grateful! Here's to a new release! :) -J
  • Springer DOIs (which resolve fine via give me problems, frequently. Example: 10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_30 I can't add by identifier. Second, I can't add with the page translator, since the Springer page translator sees the DOI, it tries…
  • Thanks for the notification, Dan! Giving it a whirl. Though I'm sure you don't mean for this to be down, it might be useful to link to the manual fix procedures earlier in the process: I didn't see these un…
  • Hi Nassim, I don't think it's up yet. I'd like an "is it up" button. -Jodi
  • Sorry, I can't understand what you're talking about. "If you check the 'copy as HTML' option of the export tab, you can use quick copy to copy citations+COinS, a'la:" I assume you mean the export tab in preferences. When I choose a style and say ex…
  • LibraryThing might be an interesting model for a lightweight way to link Zotero items to group discussions. You can link items, which then show up as 'touchstones'. Here's an example:
  • Zotero RDF: 2008
  • Unqualified DC: Oulasvirta, Antti Raento, Mika 2008 Designing for privacy and self-presentation in social awareness journalArticle Oulasvirta, Antti Raento, Mika 2008…
  • Hi, Sorry--I'm not following the forums closely so I didn't see this earlier. Hope your thesis went (or is going!) well. The easiest way to see the difference is to export them both. Zotero RDF is a custom format which includes notes, tags…
  • Failed attempt to save from Journal of Economic Geography, an Oxford Journal. Tooltip says 'Highwire 2.0' -- not sure if that's the correct site translator also for Oxford Journals.…
  • I know *how* to change this -- I just don't think I should HAVE to do this by hand. It appears that what you're saying is that this *is* useful due to the need to support organizational names. Perhaps there's another way to do that?
  • Sorry, I mean that this will be the sort: Einstein, Albert Marie Curie Nelson Mandela When I would expect a sort by last name, regardless of whether names are in first last or last, first order: Marie Curie Einstein, Albert Nelson Mandela (I see…
  • This needs to be changed in the user interface, then. I assumed that dates needed to be in y m d order, since that's what this shows! Removing the y m d would be more helpful, if it can't be shown in the order recognized.
  • Consistency is important. When I am inside a collection, I may surely want to delete items -- though I understand that the 'remove from collection' action may also be used there. Despite the trash, this is a problem. There's no one-step revert (i…
  • Sorting by date does help a lot, but I still have to look carefully through the list, and particularly at the metadata. This is hard, because (AFAIK), there's no way to . I'm also worried about accidentally deleting something I shouldn't (since I'm…
  • As I've just mentioned to Bruce, there are other terms I'd like: (1) entire journal issue (e.g. special issue) (2) entire conference proceedings. These are more to collect in my library than to cite--though I could envision citing a special issue…
  • Good work! For, say, linked data developers who just want to use the vocabulary, it would be helpful to make it easier to get to the current version of the vocabulary. Perhaps you could generate the term summary from Mercurial? e.g. http://vocab.o…
  • Ha, I'd forgotten about the known issues page! Linking to it from the forums would also help me. I'm already aware of MAJOR issues -- I'm usually trying to understand minor ones that bring me to the forums to find resolution or report them.
  • Agreed. J-Stage translator needs work. I get 'Could not save' item at a TOC page: I get a blank save box at an abstract page: I'm runni…
  • When I try to save all items from this page, I get a "Known Translator Issue" message: I see that the first 3 items are non-standard. They're listed as: Newer Issue Older Issue Personal and Ubiquito…
  • Zotero is great! I'd love a site translator for Open Journal Systems, open source publication management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. Ope…