



  • I am revisiting this issue of not highlight nor annotate any comments. If any person knows of a solution please let me know.
  • No, I did not change the Zotero directory path, but I did follow your suggestions from your initial post and my library updated. Thanks for your help
  • Thanks for the Link. I look forward to reading the information in the link. What do you mean "you never moved your Zotero directory away from the default settings, did you"?
  • Very valid points. I like your thinking, but the problem I am having is with my professor. Is there a way to turn it on an off, like a toggle switch. Maybe inside the interface or if a pop-up dialogue box appears for each web citation in MS Word. Th…
  • Do I need to update MS Word 2007 plug-in also. I have refreshed the fields, but nothing happens in MS word 2007.
  • It is labeled and I installed the packet from http://www.zotero.org/styles/apa?install=1. The problem is that the date field is still appearing for electronic articles. Do I need to update MS Word 2007 plug-in also. I have refreshed the fields…