Notify user when proxy redirection takes place

Proxy redirection can be really useful, but also extremely confusing particularly since it is on by default. The problem is that some proxy servers are available only in particular networks. If you are working on a laptop and change the network often, this can result in broken redirects. Since the redirects are transparent to the user, it looks as if all article databases would be broken with no indication that Zotero is actually responsible for this.

My feature requests is: Show a small notification when proxy redirection takes place so that the user will know where to look if it does not work.
  • I think this is planned.
  • I think this already happens in 2.1.
  • Now the question is: how do I turn this off? It's getting very annoying.
  • I agree!!! The notification is nice the first time the redirection takes place but I'd really like to be able to turn this off!
  • +1 on a disable option, I don't need to be notified of proxy redirects every time they happen.
  • I agree with the three previous posters. There should be an option to turn proxy messages off... Proxy redirection is super useful but the notification in my case completely unnecessary. Thanks!
  • The reason that this isn't currently optional is that it's possible that one day, your library will change their proxy, and every time you try to access a URL that would have been redirected through the proxy, it will take you nowhere. If the notification is disabled, then it isn't immediately apparent why the redirection is taking place, and it may not immediately occur to users (even those who disable the notification) to delete their proxy settings.

    We could potentially add a preference to show the notice only for the first redirect, or we may be able to make the warning a little less intrusive, but it's probably not going to go away.
  • Good point. I'm sure a lot of people would flood the forum if their proxy indeed changes and no message is shown. However, if this message could be less intrusive, that would be great. I'm working on LexisNexis and every time I run a search, the message bar comes up... I did run 100+ searches today so 100+ message boxes :)
  • Instead of a dialog box, maybe using the notification box in Firefox would be less intrusive?
  • That's what it uses now, Rintze.
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