Firefox 3.6

  • Hi I'm on Ubuntu 9.10
    Opeonoffice 3.1
    Firefox 3.6
    Zotero 2.0rc1 with Oo plugin 3.0a6

    Plugin doesn't work at all:
    'Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed, then try again'.

    I tried to uninstall/reinstall the Openoffice extension in Openoffice but with no luck.
    Any thoughts?

  • What version of java are you using?
    have a look at this:

  • I was aware of the Java 6.10 issue.
    I tried the steps suggested above

    I uninstalled Java, and tried to reinstall. Now whenever I do a Java test, the Java & Ice Tea firefox plugins are missing. On top of that, I can't reinstall them... because according to FF I have them already.. but they are not in the list!

    I am more and more lost...
  • When you say you tried to reinstall, do you mean you followed the steps that I did from here:

    and have you symlinked the file to your plugins folder
  • Jon, first of all thank you for helping me.

    To be sure, I went back to
    and I very carefully repeated the steps double checking every passage.

    Everything goes according to plans.. except that nothing seems to happen! By just following these steps I the only difference I can see is the Java folder in /opt

    In fact, a quick check in synaptics reveals that Java is not installed in Ubuntu, let alone in Firefox.

    I am also experiencing a mysterious issue with FF, which does not show up in the menu since I upgraded to 3.6 I am now on Swiftfox 3.6 - does this make any difference?

    Thanks and sorry for my noobity

  • Hi, no need to apologise, if you read my trials it's perfectly clear that I had my own 'doh' moment. So:
    You won't find java turning up in Synaptic if you install it this way - which at the moment you have to.
    Once it's there - and you've uninstalled all the other versions - you still need the symlink to the file
    If you've done this then it might be worth also having a symlink in


    and whatever folder you've installed firefox 3.6 in e.g.


    I've got them all - I think I was taking no chances by the time I realised which file I was supposed to be linking too.

  • edited January 28, 2010
    OK, so Dan Stilmann wrote in this thread:
    "OK, I've marked the main OO plugin release as compatible with Firefox 3.6.

    All plugins are now marked as 3.6-compatible. "

    But when I try to download and install the most recent official (NOT development) OpenOffice plugin ([...]Zotero-OpenOffice-Plugin-3.0a5.xpi), it tells me: "...could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.6."

    So, what am I missing?

    EDIT: It seems that there is a new official version 3.0a6 out there, but that the download page ( has not been updated yet. If you go to [...]Zotero-OpenOffice-Plugin-3.0a6.xpi you can access the new version which is compatible with Firefox 3.6 (sorry for deeplinking, just remove it if it's inappropriate).
  • Fixed the wiki. Thanks for pointing that out!
  • Sorry, forgot to update the link. Thanks.
  • edited January 29, 2010
    Hi all,

    Todd has updated PythonEXT, releasing alphas for Firefox 3.6 here. I seem to be having trouble re-enabling my MacWord Integration though. Which versions are everyone using? I have Zotero 2.0rcr5667 but my MacWord Integration seems to have jumped to 3.0a7.r5615. Any links to versions I ought to download?

    I do seem to have a Javascript error in the console on 10.6.2 if that helps.
  • My problem above appears to be caused by PythonEXT not correctly upgrading to the 2.6.4 module. This bug is apparently still active. I'm going to try to find the directory, remove it and post my steps to reproduce. it.
  • I am having the same problem as frenchja
  • edited February 3, 2010
    Fixed! There seems to be an issue with correctly uninstalling and reinstalling PythonEXT on Mac. This occurs in 10.5 as well as 10.6. To solve this and fix the MacWord integration, do the following in Terminal:

    # cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/yours/extensions
    # mkdir
    # cd
    # unzip ~/Downloads/pythonext-

    Note that you actually have to save the extension.
  • Thanks Dan. I hadn't noticed the update.
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