Feature request: "Back to Text"

Absolutely love the way you can jump to the reference list by clicking links within a document. However, it would ease things greatly if there was a button to jump directly back to wherever you were reading before. (Say I click a link on page 3 and Zotero jumps to the reference list, then shows a button "back" that takes me back to page 3)

I imagine this just like the "Welcome back" button that pops up when you re-open a word document.
  • There is a "Back" button in the "Go" menu and in the toolbar. But it appears to break after the first jump back.
  • Thanks for the info. Good to know, especially because it can be accessed with a shortcut.

    Nevertheless, I think a button like in Word would be much more intuitive.
  • The back button is the standard way PDF readers handle this, and links can also be cross-references (e.g. jumping between sections), so as opposed to the more limited button in Word "back to text" isn't going to be the right label for all instances.
  • There is a "Back" button in the "Go" menu and in the toolbar. But it appears to break after the first jump back.
    Yes, that's currently somewhat broken in the Z7 beta.
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