Edit notes using chicago (full note)


I am using Chicago (full note), but can't figure out how to edit a citation once I've added it to my document. What should I highlight before clicking 'edit citation' in the menu bar? (The scenario here is that I 'omitted' an author name in a different style - which has now omitted the author from my Chicago full note. So, I want to go back in and edit that in-text citation to show the author. However, I can't seem to find a way to edit the citation using the red box pop-up.)

I can easily switch between style types. A more traditional 'author date' in-text citation allows me to edit the citation easily. I can't seem to find the same edit feature for Chicago.

Any hints? Many thanks!
  • Just put the cursor in the footnote and click add/edit citation. You don't actually need to highlight anything.
  • Thanks, Adam. Sorry, I thought that the citation would pop up in the red box when clicking the edit button (as it would in a different style). The red box is blank when I click edit citation in the footnote. I think one just had to delete the reference in this case and add it back in - as you can't get to the citation in the red box when clicking in the footnote. Let me know if I'm missing anything here. Thanks again.
  • It should work exactly as for in-text citations and appear in the citation dialog, yes (and it does for me).
    Which Zotero version and which word processor? Have you tested in a fresh document (insert Chicago citation, move cursor into footnote, add/edit citation)?
  • Hi Adam, Thanks for your reply. I was able to get it to work with a new document.
    Strange since the original document I was using was new, as well. So, I'm not sure what happened. Fingers crossed the researcher I'm working with won't have a similar issue with their book manuscript (which needed the shift from ASA to Chicago (full note)). For reference, I am on a PC, using Word, using Zotero 6.0.36. Thanks again.
  • edited 25 days ago
    For an existing document, see the last step on Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents for how to quickly isolate a problem and provide an excerpt that's not working.
  • Thanks for this. Hopefully there won't be any issues. I appreciate all the guidance.
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