How to create a Vancouver bibliography in correct order as used in the essay?

I am trying to create my Vancouver bibliography but it does not reference in the order I have used them in the text. I have tried to create a new folder and add them in the order I want to use them into that folder, but they are reorganized alphabetically and due to my referencing being over a wide time, I cannot sort by date added to Zotero as that is not in the correct order. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
  • Generally, numeric styles will do just that, although we have a few that then sort alphabetically.
    First of all, WHICH exact style are you using?

    Also, a bibliography should be added into a document via the "Add/Edit bibliography" in Word. It sounds like you're doing this maybe in another way.
  • I have been citing through the Zotero App and then pasting it into my word document but I now see how to do this through the zotero tab on word. Thank you for your help! I assume there is no fix I can do other then manually inserting the references back into my file instead of the using the copied citation?
  • No, sorry, citations just pasted from Zotero are really nothing but text, Zotero can't do anything with them.
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