editing locally within a library someone shared with me?editing locally within a library someone sha

I have not used zotero before, but had to download after my superior shared has library with me to look at his saved papers for a research paper we are working on. I have this library on my ipad now, where I was planning on editing the pdf's with annotations, highlights etc. it seems however, if I edit pdf's in his shared library, but also in the files I copied to my own account, that the annotations are visible for everyone? I do not want this, as I would like to edit them only locally, and I can't seem to find an option to enable that. Can anyone help me with this?

  • Annotations you make on files in your own library aren't visible to others. Annotations you make in files in the group library are.
  • How is it that i am able to see my supervisors highlights etc as well? Than indicates to me that he would be able to see mine.
  • Are the annotations you're seeing in Zotero visible when you open the PDF in an external PDF viewer ? If so, those annotations are part of the PDF file; Zotero annotations are not (unless you explicitly export them to a PDF). It is obviously possible for someone to add annotations in another reader. But they remain locked when viewed in Zotero, unless you import them (in which case they are removed from the PDF file and are stored only in the Zotero database).
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