Authors with "double surname" not displayed correctly in bibliography.

Affects entries where the author has a "double surname" e.g. Nathaniel van Cleave.

This is shown correctly in the footnote/citation - Nathaniel van Cleave but in the bibliography this becomes Cleave, Nathaniel van
  • edited 17 days ago
    What bibliographic style are you using? Unless you are using a rare style that was developed outside of the CSL/Zotero community, what you get in the bibliography is almost certainly correct.

    The way that author names are listed alphabetically can differ depending on the selected bibliographic style. There are rules about these author "name particles" and how they must appear in the reference list.

    For most styles, a great deal of effort has been directed toward making authors' names beginning with "al-", "abu-", "von", "van", "de", "den", etc. (upper case / lower case) be sorted correctly. It is even more complicated than it seems ... there are "dropping" and "non-dropping " name particles and this can depend on the nationality of the author and language of the article. There are even more concerns and rules but great care has been devoted by those who produce the styles when considering this complexity.

  • I am using Society of Biblical Literature version 2.

    I have entered the surname as van Cleave so expected the bibliography to follow that, if the rules dictate something else I guess that is how it is, just unexpected. I grew up in South Africa where "van de" would be part of the surname, lots of jokes about van de Merve.
  • It’s correct SBL to drop particles like “van” for sorting
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