Get Website as @www instead of @misc

For writing a paper for mdpi I need all websites as @www. Curently my Zotero uses @misc for the. Does anyone know how I can change this?

I use Overleaf with connected bib file to zotero. So changing the entries manually in my bib file is not really an option.
  • You can switch to Biblatex (though that's @ online I believe) but otherwise I don't see how you can change item types in the synced BibTeX, which comes from the API. You can change local export or use BetterBibtex locally
  • edited April 8, 2024
    @ online does not work for mdpi.
    Can you explain how I can change it using local export?
  • @www is an alias for @online in BibLaTeX for compatibility purposes. @online is the standard and preferred type. I would recommend contacting MDPI and asking them to update their style sheet or processing pipeline to accept the standard BibLaTeX type.
  • What bwiernik says for the larger question. As for local export, you'd want to modify the "BibTeX.js" file in the translator subdirectory of your zotero data folder ( ) and there change line 232:

    -- this change will get overwritten regularly on updates, but you might just needs this for a while, so that might be the best option (otherwise you'd have to create a copy of the translator with a different name and ID and export to that).
    The alternative is to use the BetterBibTeX add-on and a post processing hook.
    You can then put the file somewhere that's online accessible (e.g. a Dropbox link or on GitHub) and point Overleaf to it instead of using the Zotero sync.
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