Error 1934435393 - NeoOffice crashes when inserting citation without an author

Whenever I attempt to insert a citation into a NeoOffice document where the item does not have an author, NeoOffice crashes.

To reproduce, create a Zotero reference item that has no information for Creator (ie, Author, Editor, etc). In NeoOffice, try to insert citation. Crash occurs at this point for me.

I'm using NeoOffice 2.2.5 patch 10 on Mac OS X 10.5.7, with Firefox 3.0.10, Zotero 2.0b3, and OpenOffice plugin 2.0a2. Citation style is APA.

This was a problem with Zotero 1.5 beta, as well.
  • It appears that OpenOffice 3.1, released on May 7, 2009, behaves well with Zotero. The problem I described earlier is not an issue for me in OpenOffice 3.1.
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