Moodle integration

I find Zotero fantastically professional and neat. I am developing a Moodle based learning community site and would love to have Zotero integrated into the CMS. Do you know of any initiatives in this direction?
Kind regards,
  • What kind of "integration" are you thinking about?

    Some work has started on a PHP port of the citation formatting code by the developer of the Drupal biblio module, so it might be an option to help out with that if that's part of what you're interested in?
  • Hi,
    Thanks for your comment. I am thinking about an integration with Moodle itself - i.e. I guess that would be a filter or a block in Moodle terms. I am not a programmer myself but rahter an enabler, coordinating a development project. Will there be support for RSS in the server version of Zotero? That could of course be an option also.
    Kind regards,
  • Will there be support for RSS in the server version of Zotero?
    Yes, among other access options.
  • edited May 22, 2008
    Hi again,
    Saw that there is a Wordpress plug-in. A similar one for Moodle - - would be great. Any plans?
    Kind regards,
  • On the moodle side, there is a filter that will enable Wikindx interoperability. Information on this can be found here:
    I do not know how well this would work with zotero...unless and until zotero allows users to maintain a server side data that moodle would dynamically pull.
    I would prefer to have my students use zotero. It is a far more intuitive solution than wikindx, it lends itself to the tracking and cataloging of a far broader range of resources and they will take it with them when they graduate.
  • Hi,
    Yes I am a bit familiar with the Wikindx filter. As you say, it would be great with a similar integration for Zotero when the server version is in place. Do you know of any such initiatives?
    Kind regards,
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