bibliography langague in word

Hi. I usually work with multiple languages on my papers (mostly French and Spanish) and I’m interested on knowing how to change the language of the bibliography I have inserted in word. I've changed the language for the document to French, but still some items of my bibliography are presented in English. I'm not very knowledgeable in IT, so i'd appreciate simpler answers! :/ THANKS!
  • that depends on the style - many journal styles are (appropriately) hard-coded in English, a few also in French and German. For more generic styles, see here on switching the language:
    note that you can currently not have different languages in the same bibliography - i.e. the terms are either all English, or all French etc.
  • Thanks adam. I'm using APA and I followed the procedure you recommended me. I'm still getting the bibliography in english for 1 type of reference (chapters in books). Until now, the others references are well shown in frech. I'll change it manually for my document, but i'd be nice if that could be changed in the source. Do you know what styles are in frech? Thanks again!
  • could you give an example of a chapter entry in APA how you see it after having switched to French?

    Some of the styles in French are labeled with "French" in the repository.
  • Sure! this is the bibliography enter when I export it from ZOTERO

    Salomón, L. (2001). Participación y Democracia en Honduras. In R. C. Macías, G. Maihold, & S. Kurtenbach (Éd.), Pasos hacia una nueva convivencia: democracia y participación en centroamérica (p. 95-114). San Salvador: FundaUngo.

    I get exactly the same result when I insert it in word and when y choose french as the document language. Its not a big deal, I can change it, but since I have a lot of chapters as references, i'll have to do that a lot of times.
  • that is French (note the accent on the Ed adn the fact that there is only one p. for the page range.
    Our resident French experts agreed that at least in France, "in" is preferred to "dans". If you're French Canadian or prefer "dans", I believe there is a separate fr-CA locale that you can use.
  • Oh, you're absolutely right! I was just focusing in the IN which I thought to be English. Thanks for the explanation! I wouldn’t have thought it was preferable to write it like this since I’ve been using others software in French from France that use DANS (actually, the WORD bibliography menu). I’ll leave it as it is. I'm quite relieved! Thanks again and cheers!
  • @gaby_carias: Connaissez-vous des styles français qui exigent "dans"?
    Le débat sur le forum:

    Mais comme le dit adamsmith, vous pouvez modifier "in" en "dans" si cela est nécessaire.
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