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- charlespetersen
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Anything ever happen with this? I can't seem to figure out a way to shift focus to the right hand pane without using the mouse. And then it'd be great if I could navigate in the right hand pan with keyboard shortcuts, but again that doesn't seem to …
Single most important feature request for me. Has this been resolved in any way? Thanks!
Too bad -- this would be a huge help for me. I have some pretty serious RSI and the amount of clicking necessary to keep a Zotero library in order is really killing my hands. Understand that there are more pressing issues, but this seems like it wou…
Hi there, I'd like to use Poppler to extract PDF annotations. I'm on a mac, running Zotero standalone. Unfortunately, when I go to 'Advanced Settings' and click on the button to install Poppler, it changes to "Downloading Poppler Tool...", whic…
+1 Was this ever implemented?
Would really appreciate this.