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Thanks for your help - it is great to get it sorted. As before, there seems to be a problem with the preview function - I have noted the error with this style (and some others you may have been working on) on…
There seems to be a problem with the citation style preview again. Any styles dated after 2011-11-04 seem to be generating an error and not an actual preview. I discovered the problem with the Harvard Anglia Ruskin 2011 style, but have noticed it on…
That is great - thanks for letting me know.
Just wondering if you managed to get a look at the edited code for the Harvard Anglia Ruskin citation style. You did say to remind you at the start of this renewed interaction... Thanks
The updated citation style is at: I have updated the title to Harvard - Anglia Ruskin University 2011 (this reflects the latest edition of the published style - ). …
Thanks for this - I understand now (I am "feeling my way" with the XML coding). I will update the citation style with your suggestion - and there are few other minor stylistic that I have noted. I will update those, test the new style - and then pos…
When I changed to , the sort order was not in the required date order. Perhaps this is not the way to write the code for this? It looks to me as though this citation style already has code to automatically mark works published in the same year, al…
I have had a brief look at the citation style and on line 134 in the section it looks as though this style is set to sort on book title: . When I changed this to the sort order found in the Chicago author-date style , the bibliography was sorted c…
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this question - if not I can move it to a new place. The Harvard Anglia Ruskin University 2010 citation style does not appear to sort bibliographic entries according to publication date. It is …
Excellent - works fine now. That will be very helpful
That is great. I really appreciate your help with this (and of course all the initial work done by usws). Thanks
Thanks - I see it now. However, it throws up an "error generating preview" message when I hover the mouse over the style. Is that a problem? And one other quick question... If I discover the style needs to be updated what needs to be done?
It is good you were able to fix the style - I hadn't looked at those issues. However I wasn't able to locate the style in the repository. Maybe I am missing something, so perhaps you could point me in the right direction...
That is great - thanks
The file can accessed at Filename: harvard-aru2010 If the citation style checks out what is the process for submitting it to the Zotero web site (assuming that is worthwhile and possible)?
I have been working on this citation style (based on the work done by usws), updating for the Anglia Ruskin 2010 conventions ( I have converted the citation style to CSL 1.0 and the resultant fi…