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If anyone has the same problem, I found a solution including in at terms section.
That's great, @dstillman ! Do you know if the other Zotero Storage Scanner feature, that identifies broken attachment links, is still necessary?
@easoncc8 , have you already tried the Zotero Storage Scanner plugin (
Sorry, false alarm. They atualized their export options and it's working fine now.
@pirei Demoramos um pouco para entender como o csl funciona, mas enfim conseguimos fazer com a que a entrada de filme ficasse pelo título, mas a questão de ser apenas a primeira palavra em maiúscula ainda é um problema sem solução. Espero que em a…
@pirei , pois era isso que temia. Até conseguirmos ajustar o nosso foi bem demorado exatamente por causa disso. Ajustávamos de um lado e depois percebíamos que estragava de outro >_< Temos tentado desenvolver um estilo bem completo e para que…
Sugestão de alteração, fiz teste aqui e funcionou, mas só sei o básico de csl então não revisei toda para ver se tinha mais alguma coisa: Linha 622: alterar para Suprimir linhas 624 a 628 Linha 632: alterar para Linha 635: alterar para
Olá @pirei ! Se for possível. Pode colar aqui para nós. Que, para saber onde que o estilo não está fazendo o que se quer, fica mais fácil. Às vezes é alguma regra que anterior que fica atrapalhando...
Olá @AleValdez , neste estilo ABNT o et al está em itálico e possui um guia para completar os campos dentro da biblioteca do Zotero para que saia corretamente…
Olá @pirei , qual o estilo ABNT que estás utilizando?
@adamsmith - Thank you for your help!
Got it. Thank you!!
Thank you for your quick reply, @adamsmith! 1. even in cases where reference already has other authors to differ? Like this one (SILVA; SANTOS, 2016) 2. For me too. Thanks!
Got it! Thanks again for your always marvelous work!! Ps: Even though I always forget about it, it would be really good if omitting URL was an option at "document preferences".
Is there a way for this DOI inclusion have same behavior as URL (only appear if checkbox is checked)?
Thank you!! I always forget about that checkbox and I totally couldn't see that this book didn't have a date for access. Sorry for the trouble!
My itens are like this at my library: [ { "id": "", "type": "book", "edition": "2", "event-place": "São Paulo", "publisher": "Atlas", "publisher-place": "São Paulo", "title": "Qualidade…
Thank you, @adamsmith ! I'm trying to make some adjustments in this style:
I don't know if there's a better way, but you can include de "note" column, organize by it, select all items with note and then create a report from those items.
CSL doesn't need to follow cataloging rules Certanly! Sorry, I was talking about a librarian that has to guide patrons to use reference managers and understand document types. (Now I saw that I missed that Chicago Manual says to include running tim…
@rusodepaso , those examples that you brought are similar to what we need and use. Just narrator and medium (for a description of what kind of book it is). It is not necessary time length (that it seems to be used only at citation and included like …
I don't know if it is necessary one more item type. When Narrator gets included at book type will be excellent and, if I think about ABNT (the only citation style that I can talk about), it's almost enough (we would still need medium in extra field)…
Got it! Thanks, @dstillman ! I usually clean the trash frequently. Now I'm at around 17 000 and is a lot better (Zotero doesn't crash anymore but still freezes somtimes). The library size is related to all libraries that I have at my zotero (per…
Thanks, @bwiernik ! I think I already did alll those steps and never got a response. We kind of do that already, but as we see sometimes a lot of other institutions doing the same, we thought that it would be better for users to centralize informa…
Hello! Did you try to select the item and hold ctrl (windows)/alt (linux)/option(macOS)? Here there is a lot of cool shortcuts:
Hello! I'm having a similar problem. I gave up using "duplicate items" collection on left panel because it was slow and made Zotero crash down all the time. Now I'm using right clicking them and merging items directly. That is a little slow but cr…
Thank you, @adamsmith ! (Agreed!)
@Emanuel, you did it right. It was me that forgot that for type book with an URL it was supposed to include "E-book". With CSL atualization it will be better because we'll have a specific type for periodical, but I think I'll be able to correct this…
@Emanuel , style updated. Give us feedback if it helped.