



  • @fbennett One of the (few) mistakes I find in the MLZ American Law Style, is that foor book entries, it gives the publisher name in brackets [It goes - Author, Title (publisher, date)]. But publisher is not required, unless the book has been pu…
  • @adamsmith you mentioned the possibility of you creating a new style for a fee. Can we discuss this offline? Can you give an email address of IM username? If you prefer you can send to me at Thanks, Roy
  • @fbennett: I will try to reproduce the faulty citations in MLZ and let you know.
  • sorry, I wrote my last message before I saw your reply. I can't imagine that someone without knowledge in Hebrew can do this on his own, though if you think s/he can, I am willing to help map the fields. The documentation I believe is only available…
  • ok, as to my second question?
  • regular version
  • I don't think so. I used it, but now I found that Zotero standalone has an MLZ style too, so I used that. My indecisiveness is because I have both installed, but I didn't have FF open when I did this, only the standalone.
  • I think I got it.
  • I must be getting something here wrong, but i went ahead and installed MLZ with file zoter-multi-2.xpi, and all I got was the good old regular zotero. ?? Roy
  • I really would love to help, but far from having the know-how :( You're all doing a wonderful job (if that helps any...).
  • What happens if I have both installed? I regularly use Chrome to wurf and add to Zotero standalone from it's extension, and that syncs to the server, and the when writing, I use MLZ to insert citations in footnotes? Thanks again, Roy
  • This is the link for the screenshot. I am currently writing the text in Hebrew though most of my citations are from English sources. I really like the standalone. and I use chrom…
  • And I think I stumbled upon another problem with the style - for book names it uses small caps, as it should, but doesn't capitalize the beginning of each word, as it should. The style I'm referring to is Bluebook 19th edition
  • This is the gist URL - git:// I put two files there - one the exported file and the other is the citation as it should appear according to the official Israeli equivalent of the Bluebook.
  • And sorry to be such a nagger, but I can't open the plugin you suggested to my winxp desktop. I don't use FF, but Chrome with a Zotero extension. Isn't xpi just for FF? Thanks again for all your responses, Roy
  • Initials - I'm referring to items that were grabbed from the net using the identifier, and looking at it now I see they just have the initial in the last name field, following the last name itself. i.e. a book by Owen M. Fiss, has "Owen" in first na…
  • I never tried this. Willing to try but am afraid of creating a mess. This is what I found that seems relevant - " " Anything missing there? And you might notice I raised another question in a separate t…
  • Sorry, another question - is this plugin supposed to work with Zotero standalone for mac? I"m using zotero both on a macbook and a windows desktop. Thanks again, Roy
  • Yes, it seems only one comes out reversed. Thanks for the tip re the plugin. Another Q, I think the Bluebook requires that a dot come after the middle initial of a book author, but zotero doesn't add one. Any fix for that?
  • ok, I just redownloaded the connector, which I guess was the sensible thing to do to begin with. I for some reason remembered it was a part of the stand alone so I didn't think it has a separate download, but now I saw it does, dled and it works. Th…
  • dunno what to say, I opened a new document and tried with APA and it worked nice, but then I tried inthat document with Bluebook and worked nice too. Could it have something to do with the specific Word Document I am working on?
  • Oddly enough I tried to reproduce it again this morning and everything worked super. But now it happened again, and then I took an error report, Number - 193719203. It occurred both with Bluebook law review(2) and Bluebook 19th edition (incomple…
  • Hope I understand what you mean. Thanks.
  • Forgot to add - when I choose from the list (where options load as I type in the box/field) the name appears in the box, but then when I hit enter and the "{citation}" added in the footnote in the document itself, what I see in the box will turn int…
  • But it doesn't realy create an "error" so I don't think the error report tool will produce anything useful. I can say the following - I am using Zotero standalone with MS word plug in on MS Office 2010, Windows XP SP3. When I click "Zotero Inser…
  • Thanks for the tip. As a side q - What's Multilingual about MLZ? would it help me in adding hebrew source footnotes which I need sometimes? Thanks, Roy
  • Thanks, But I am working with "Bluebook, 19th edition (incomplete), and it doesn't seem to work. If it works for you - any idea why that would be the case??? nothing you will say about the Harvard Bluebook people would surprise me.
  • oops, I' embarrassed it's such a simple solution! Thanks! Roy
  • Thanks for the responses. Thanks q for your idea, not sure I got it, but anyhow I'll guess I'll wait with it for my next work, put it in manually for now. Roy