automatically export highlighted text in a note

possibility to automatically export highlighted text in a note trough a simple command
  • How would that differ from cut-and-paste with the mouse?
  • I try to explain with my basic English:
    I browse a saved webpage with the highlight button selected and I highlight different part of text. At the end, with a simple command, I would like to export the selected text in a note.
    The difference from cut-and-past is the saving time: less clicks and ctrl+c and ctrl+v, specially if you are interested in many different portion of a long text.
    Hope this clarify my idea
  • Ah, got it. I was thinking export as in "export from Zotero", but I see what you're driving at. That would be convenient.
  • If I'm understanding correctly what you're asking for, the feature already exists. Highlight whatever text you'd like in Firefox, then right click on it and select "Create Zotero Item and Note from Selection". Is that what you meant?
  • The idea here, I think, is to be able to export the highlights with a single click after annotating a lengthy document -- PDFXChange and iAnnotate (for the Ipad) support this; it's a major time saver if one has to read many long documents.
  • There is a long-standing bug that covers this:

    Something like this will need to happen when the long-awaited switch to a new annotation system finally happens (and annotations turn into something that can be synced!)
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